Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Dining Out - Red Robin Gourmet Burgers

Guacamole Bacon Burger in an Udi's Gluten-Free Bun
(with a side of gluten-free fries)

Tonight something amazing happened. I went out to a restaurant and ate a delicious burger in a bun. This might sound like an ordinary event to someone who eats wheat, but for someone with gluten-intolerance, this is simply extraordinary. And it was unexpected.

I went to Red Robin Gourmet Burgers, a fun, friendly chain restaurant that's on my shortlist for great g-free burger joints. They go out of their way to be allergen-sensitive, with a separate menu, attentive staff, and careful food prep practices.

Tonight, I ordered my usual: the guacamole bacon burger with no cheese - protein style, with a side of unseasoned, gluten-free fries. Protein style means served in a thick wedge of lettuce, which I've come to accept and often enjoy, provided the lettuce is fresh, ample, cold, and crisp.

Anyway...a little while later when a burger sandwiched happily between 2 halves of a big bun arrived at my table I was surprised and annoyed. "Here we go again," I thought. "Another restaurant screws up my g-free request and taunts me at the same time." However, my waitress quickly informed me that Red Robins around the country are starting to offer Udi's gluten-free buns as a gluten-sensitive alternative. "Really?" I asked in disbelief. "Are you sure this is gluten-free?" After she assured me to my satisfaction, I dug in.

The bun itself was rather commendable. It had a nice flavor (you know, so normal it just tasted like a regular bun, which is a GOOD thing) and a firm, but not heavy, texture. It never fell apart or crumbled like so many g-free breads. My only preference would have been for it to be toasted. The burger itself was fantastic and grilled just the way I asked. The bacon was crispy, the guacamole was fresh and green, and the steak fries proved a filling accompaniment (I left about half in my plate).

It really was gratifying to go out to eat and not have to settle for something like chicken and rice and convince myself it's fine, when really I'm dying inside for a big fat burger in a bun. Now I can get that big fat burger, bun and all. Life is truly about simple pleasures.

Currently, Udi's gluten-free buns are available at Red Robin Gourmet Burgers in these states:
  • Arizona
  • California
  • Colorado
  • Nevada
  • Oregon
  • Washington
If you have a Red Robin near you that is not offering g-free buns right now, consider letting the manager know next time you're there that you'd be interested. My waitress tonight estimated that one in five of her tables includes a gluten-free meal order, so make your voice heard. Trust me, the bun is worth it! :)


  1. They have them at Red Robins in Texas too! I was just there on Saturday and enjoyed a bacon cheeseburger on a gluten free bun. Yum!

  2. Barbara - that's awesome! Thanks for sharing :)

  3. Red Robin Burgers just tweeted me this reply to my question about which states currently carry Red Robin's gluten-free buns:

    @TheGFreeChef The majority of restaurants DO! Since it's the exception, we recommend calling ahead of time & speaking to manager.

    So there you have it! :)

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  6. The Guacamole at red robin is NOT GF in 2014 FYI
